Customer Testimonial – Shankar H, IT professional, Bangalore

Dear Varna Pest Control,

Please accept my sincere thanks for all the help you and your company provided in resolving rat replants problem with my POLO.
I heard about your product and company after having to pay a big bill to VolksWagen, towards rat destruction of my sensor unit in bonnet.
I got it fitted your rat replant instrument as per your technical advice.  POLO having a cushion covered in the bonnet made things bit difficult for your instrument to work more effectively without a custom made sheet which helped to reflect the ultrasonic waves.
Though problem seems to have resolved for some time – the sleepless night returned again when I observed myself the rat in the bonnet with some wires cut.  After a quick fix, problem surfaced again having the instrument wire connecting the battery being cut, which made me to take the things bit seriously.
As the instrument was under warranty, I called your office – but for surprise I had your personal with a new instrument the same evening.  I was really impressed with your quick action. After understanding the issues and further examination, your technical person was of the opinion that this may require some customization and promise to return within 2 days.

He arrived as promised – this really convinced about your customer commitments.  He customized the instrument with two speaker (against a single speaker) facing down ward to be effective for places where problem has surfaced earlier. I was convinced with the solution.

My happiness was short lived, I happen to see myself the rat in the bonnet which had cut the instrument’s plug connecting the battery unit.  It was very disturbing.  Shifted my car to different location and intimated you for a permanent solution.

Things unfolding after this proved your utmost care for customer with permanent solution, which even with my experience lacks with MNC companies.
One of Varna professional was arranged to inspect my parking place and later a Customer visit was arranged (who had a similar issue).  This made us to view the problem in new dimension to fit the instrument in POLO’s compact bonnet space.
This time two speaker’s directions were changed. Two speakers were mounted facing upward in the place which as per your suggestion will make more efficient.  Thin metal sheet was cut to cover the bonnet cushion area (as shown in attached photo).
I have stated parking in the same place – it’s been two weeks since and there is no issue.
It feels good.  I was really moved with help you and your personal provided.   I feel Varna really deserve the mission statement “Customer satisfaction is our MOTO”.
I wish you and Varna all the best in your journey of keeping smile on your customer.

Best Regards,  Shankar H


The customer has replaced with single ultrasonic unit and detached the heat proof layer from the car, and it is working fine. Please find the latest picture

Please Check the Specifications of Varna Ultrasonic Auto Model.

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